MY Definition of Success

As we head into the new year, I spent some time asking myself, “How do I know if I’m doing well?” It took a while to sort out what actually makes me feel good about the way I spend my time, not how I think my day should look or how I think someone else might value my efforts, but really focus on what matters to me. In case it inspires you, here’s what I settled on for now.

Find Your Circle

We live in a world that asks SO much of us. Often our own hopes and dreams are the last things we attend to or they are forgotten all together. That's not only tragic for you and me. We can't thrive when we are stretched so thin. But the world is impoverished as well. The world needs your wisdom, your vision, your art. But to make it, you're going to need support. This workbook is designed to help you think about what kind of support you need (or just simply want!) and how to get it.

2022 Gift Guide

Looking for ways to love up on the writers, readers, and creative mothers in your life? This gift guide is filled with little luxuries, books and more hand-picked favorites from clients, friends, and small businesses I admire.

The Story Star

Many stories might share the same themes or basic plot. But the way you write about those elements, and the vision you bring to your work, is totally unique to you. I believe if you name what you want your story to feel like, it will shape what it becomes in an invisible yet meaningful way. A story star is something I invented to help me understand and protect what makes my stories special.